Are you doing your best?

DAY 22,

I wanted to ask you “all are you doing your best? ” Well, the answer to the question will be naaah!

If someone asks me today if I am doing my best, I would point out 100 ways I can do better with my life. Like I can sleep on time, eat on time, work out a little and meditate every day. Well, there will be 100 more things I can point out.

The way to change this is by adding compassion to our life. I went to the bank and the cashier was delaying the process; if you know me, you must be thinking kashika must have yelled at the cashier. But instead of yelling, I told him, uncle it’s okay you are trying your best, take your time and finish your work. The cashier’s uncle smiled and gave me the receipt as fast as he could. So what I meant by this story was that a little compassion can change a lot of things in our life. If we start believing that whatever we are doing we are giving our best, we will start appreciating things.

If a delivery man got a little late, understand that there must be an issue with the address or package that made him deliver your product late. Understand that they are doing their best and must be facing personal life issue that is making them lose focus. If your mom cooks perfect food every day but forgot to add salt one day, instead of complaining understand that she is doing her best and eat without complaining.

If all of us, instead of fighting and nagging, understand that the other person is giving their best eventually motivate them with compassion, they might become a better person. Compassion can move mountains, it can make people change. We all want love and support.

So from today let us promise to understand that we and everyone around us are doing our best and accept them with compassion. If you have a person who you absolutely cannot tolerate, remember one thing they are good at each and every day and appreciate it, you will soon see their behaviour towards you and others will change drastically.

We are doing our best.!

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